
自由:别把自己封锁在一个封闭的”楚门的世界“里面,运行任何你想要的应用 – 你甚至可以上传你自己的应用,你的地盘你做主!(天地会珠海分舵注:《楚门的世界》这部电影描述的是一个生活在封闭的世界里面的人群,他们闯不出这个世界,甚至不知道外面世界的存在!大家也许还记得《勇敢的心》中代表苏格兰独立战士的梅尔吉布森在行刑前的那句歇斯底里的呐喊:自由….!!!从中可以看到鲜血和生命换来的自由是多么的珍贵,同理,可见Sandstorm在本文中倡导的自由是多么的值得大家玩味!)

By separating app developers from hosts, Sandstorm leaves you in control.


Freedom to Choose: Run any app you want. You are not limited to what’s in the app store. Any developer can build a Sandstorm package, and you can upload any package to your server. You can even run Open Source and Indie apps from developers who don’t have the funding to run their own servers.


Freedom to Customize: When you are running your own copy of an app on Sandstorm, there’s nothing stopping you from customizing it to your needs, because your changes only affect you. Especially with open source apps, if you don’t like the way a feature works, or wish you had a feature that’s not there, you can fix it. Not a developer? Perhaps a friend can help, or at worst you can pay someone for a day of work. Compare this to big centralized web services, where you are at the mercy of the operator, who will probably ignore your requests.

定制自由:当你在Sandstorm上面运行你自己的应用的一份拷贝的时候,我们没有任何理由不让你去定制你自己想要的应用的运行方式,因为你的定制改变影响的仅仅是你自己而已。特别是当你运行的是开源应用的时候,如果你不喜欢它现在的工作方式,或者你希望增加一个现在还不存在的功能,你就可以对他进行相应的修改定制。什么?你不是一个开发人员!?没关系!也许你的朋友可以帮忙进行修改,甚至你可以付钱给天地会珠海分舵进行修改(支付宝xxx)。这些自由度相比在那些大型的中心化的网络服务中,在那里你的定制请求很大程度上取决于那些网络服务操作人员的心情还坏,怜悯你的话就接受你的定制请求,否则的话你的请求就如泥牛入海般大江东去一去不复返也!(天地会珠海分舵注:这让本人想到以前同事兼好友Michael Lu的一句话:“这好比你的小鸡鸡抓在别人的手上,只能听天由命了!“)

Freedom to Integrate: Big centralized web providers tend to build walled gardens that lock you in. Their apps tend only to integrate with other apps from the same company. This isn’t because they are evil – usually it’s because they are lazy. With Sandstorm, all your apps live under one roof and behind one login system, which makes it much easier for them to talk to each other securely. And if an app allows_any_ other app to integrate with it, then it must allow all apps that speak the same protocol to do so, so developers can’t shut each other out.
