
Use Sandstorm to run your enterprise server cluster:


#### Easy App Deployment

#### 简易部署
A Sandstorm app only takes a couple clicks to deploy. It’s so easy and secure that non-technical employees can actually deploy the apps they need themselves, without wasting valuable IT time. Get SaaS-like ease-of-use while keeping your data on-prem and under your control.

部署Sandstorm上的应用仅仅需要简单的点击几下就能完成。因为是如此的简单和安全,以致就算没有非技术雇员都可以进行应用的部署而不需要劳烦IT人员的大驾光临。通过Sandstorm你可以获得SaaS般软件即服务的方便使用的功能的同时又可以把你的数据保存在近线服务器上以便让你完全自主操控。(天地会珠海分舵注:on-prem是on-premises的缩写,通常联合成on-prem software一起使用。网上翻译众说纷纭,本人认为应该翻译成”近线”应用,因为它是相对与SaaS这个云端应用来说的,云端代表应用是运行在远端的服务器上面的,所以相对的on-prem就是运行在你企业内部的服务器上面的。有中型企业工作经验的朋友应该碰到过这种情况:visio等很多付费软件是装在一台服务器上面的,每个人都可以用自己的域账号登录,甚至同时通过终端登录该服务器来打开visio这些上面的软件进行编辑,互不干扰,其实这个就是on-prem的一个应用场景)

#### Ridiculously Secure

#### 安全到你不敢相信
Sandstorm automatically compartmentalizes apps and users,preventing application bugs from leading to catastrophic security failures. Meanwhile, Sandstorm’s innovative security model ensures that these protections never get in the way of people doing their jobs.

#### Cluster Management

#### 集群管理
Sandstorm’s enterprise tools will allow a cluster of machines to be treated like one big server. Just load the Sandstorm image on each machine and turn them on, and they’ll self-organize. Install apps just as easily as with the personal version, as seen in our demo.

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